Some great tips to enhance your sex life
Here are amazing ten sex tips that can be really become so helpful in enhancing the sex life.
1.) Guys you know that kitchen is also known as the great sex starter. Help your wife/ girlfriend in washing dishes and also help then in taking out rash. Actually your main motto is to feel her like she is appreciated by you. But mind it – never mix Romance and exhaustion together. While helping her kitchen you hands can get to roamin' and motors could get to tickin'… and you can experience some amazing feeling.
2.) Girls it's time to hold your partner and tell that old fool that for what exactly you waiting for! Actually most of men have no idea to read the girl's mind. At this stage you have to be little softer to tell him what you want. But you must behave little like innocent girl there, “How come you never know what I want?”
3.) Guys sex is all about fun so give some time to it. For a better sex experience you must add some moments of fun, relaxation, laughter and lots of love. You can make these moments by adding wine, soft music, or a backrub. These are really very effective things to make sex very interesting.
Music like "because i love you of shakin steve"
4.) Girls do not make sex like “2 exhausted person, who are trying to find each other in dark”. Its true sex is important, but you can have it little gently. Why don't you schedule it like picking the kids up after school? You can easily put it on calendar. This is something which must be treated as key part. This can also helps you in running you family smoothly.
5.) Guys think about your fourth date with the woman you love, after you were well familiar but everything still felt new and exciting. Remember thinking about it, setting up it, making dinner reservations? Keep in mind that you'll be on time. You must create something romantic there like gift her bunch of flowers to her or any romantic ideas you like.
6.) Gals If you really want to experience the amazing sex then seduce him! There is nothing like rocket science! Many of men need very less work in it. They're "visual" -- show him what he likes. They're easily flattered -- whisper what he wants to hear. Touch him right there, or if you prefer, right THERE!!! Tease him, just don't be a tease.
7.) Guys surprise is something which is really loved by women, so surprise her. And, the beauty is, almost anything will work. The process of surprising is really very easy just gift her favorite flower, a party or treat, a small event for her or anything you thing that can really impress her. Even surprise her by cleaning the bathroom or doing something funny. That really gonna rocks her!
8.) Gals with all the talk about "size", remember that a man's biggest sex organ is his imagination -- so use your own! Everyone has fantasies -- some romantic, some kinky, maybe even a few that are slightly dangerous or outrageous. What are yours? And, what are his? Why not play dress-up? Why not go on a date with someone "new"?
9.) Guys: I just told the gals you have a great imagination -- don't make me a liar! Use it! How long has it been since you had sex in the back seat of a Ford? Would she enjoy a date with a spy? Being seduced by a plumber or "the cable guy"? Is your shower big enough for two? Ever done it at the office -- how about her office?
10.) Gals: Take time to add variety and spice with tasteful magazines, toys, movies and beautiful lingerie. For most people (including men) pornography quickly turns into a turn-off, but a little satin and lace, maybe some sensual pictures or using common household items in a whole new way can sure add delight to the old routine. Explore, experiment, lock the bedroom door and play some brand new games! As they say, "Just do it!"
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